Online Safety
Young people use the internet for a variety of activities including games, research and homework and, of course, for accessing social networking sites. Whilst they are confident with the technology children are not always able to make the right decisions about what they access, who they talk to and what they might post about themselves and others on the internet.
As part of our commitment to safeguarding our children and working with parents we have organised the following online safety information for parents. All the leaflets and resources are taken from the website and are available to be downloaded and shared with other parents or colleagues.
Age Guide Leaflets
Children use the internet in different ways depending on their age and so have developed checklists for parents that give you top tips on how to help your children stay safe. Please click the image to download the file.
Internet Safety Day 2023 materials for parents: .
Age Guide Leaflets
Children use the internet in different ways depending on their age and so have developed checklists for parents that give you top tips on how to help your children stay safe. Please click the image to download the file.
Online Safety Leaflets
These Online Safety leaflets are designed to help you ensure that your child is using the Internet safely and appropriately. Please click the image to download the file.
Social Media Checklists
These social media checklists are produced by South West Grid for Learning and provide detailed information on how to stay safe on the most popular social networks. Please click the image to download the file.
Further Information about Online Safety