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Physical Education (PE)

At Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Primary School we want every child to be happy and enthusiastic learners of Physical Education, and to be eager to achieve their very best in order to fulfil their God-given talents. We firmly believe that the recipe for success is high quality first-wave teaching in Physical Education, which is central to the life of our happy, caring school.


We deliver high quality teaching and learning opportunities and develop our children's skills as well as encouraging fitness, good health and emotional well-being.

We aim for all our children to have a keen interest in P.E and a willingness to participate in a variety of well planned activities. We provide them with many different opportunities to become physically confident.

It is our aim to inspire our pupils to be involved in healthy physical activities including competitive sport, non-competitive sport and other activities to help build character and embed our school virtues. Children will learn how to collaborate with one another and work effectively as part of a team, understanding fairness, rules and values.


Our curriculum is designed to ensure that every child can flourish. The children take part in a variety of activities including netball, cricket, tag-rugby, basketball, gymnastics, athletics, dance and swimming. We deliver this by teaching the National Curriculum objectives along with "Complete PE" which is used as a resource to support progression and development of skills. The children receive two PE lessons a week, one is delivered by a trained member of support staff and the other by the class teacher. They produce varied and engaging lessons which allow children to become confident, resilient learners, work in a team, build effective physical skills and to have an awareness of a healthy lifestyle. The skill focus changes across the year groups to ensure progression.

Children in Lower Key Stage 2 have regular swimming sessions and if required, take part in additional (intervention) sessions later in Key Stage 2 in order to swim 25m.

We are a school within the Witney Partnership of School Sports and actively engage in a variety of sporting tournaments, and leagues competing against other Witney schools. We ensure all our children have the opportunity to represent the school at these events during their time here. 

We promote the participation of extra-curricular activities, clubs and opportunities after school including multi-sports and dance.


We ensure that all our children receive the essential skills and knowledge to live a happy and healthy lifestyle and make good and wise choices. All our children leave us able to swim at least 25m and we use the Sports Grant effectively to ensure our children are well equipped, having developed a positive attitude to exercise and keeping fit and well.