Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Primary School is committed to the highest standards in protecting and safeguarding the children entrusted to our care. It is our responsibility to safeguard and promote the welfare of every child by protecting them from physical, sexual or emotional abuse, neglect and bullying.
We listen to children and take seriously what they tell us. Our aim is that children will always be happy in our school, achieve their full potential and make a positive contribution to the wider community.
Children at our school will be able to talk freely to any member of staff if they are worried or concerned about something. To ensure a safe environment for children is maintained, our selection and recruitment practice is thorough and includes checks on staff and volunteers’ suitability, including Vetting and Barring Checks in accordance with current legislation.
We provide staff with annual safeguarding training and have robust systems in place for escalating concerns.
Everyone who comes into contact with children and their families has a role to play in safeguarding children. At Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Primary School we have a team with specific responsibilities for safeguarding:
Designated Safeguarding Lead: Mrs R Gowers
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead: Miss Tobin, Mrs T Davies, Mrs L Kilby-Salt Mrs O Hawkins
Governor Designated Safeguarding Lead:
Governor with responsibility for safeguarding: Mr Carlton Rose
All school staff can be reached directly by calling 01993 702 480.
Worried about a child?
Abuse is always wrong, no matter how many times it happens.
There can be lots of different types of abuse: physical, sexual, verbal, emotional and neglect.
Being abused can affect young people in lots of different ways but it is never their fault. It is not unusual for young people to find it hard to talk about abuse, even with their closest friends.
If you are worried about a child or young person, please contact our school's safeguarding team on the details above. If it is an emergency, please contact the Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) on 0345 0507 666. For more information, please click here.